Singing Guide: Les Elgart

Singing Guide: Les Elgart

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Les Elgart was a jazz trumpeter and bandleader who worked during the big band era. He was known for his swing and jazz-oriented music. His unique vocal technique included the use of smooth and flowing melodies that heavily relied on excellent breath control, intonation, and phrasing. In this article, we will go over some practical advice on how to develop your singing skills based on the unique vocal style of Les Elgart.


Breath control is an essential aspect of Les Elgart's vocal technique. To learn his style, you must begin with the basics of breathing. Practice each of the following exercises daily to strengthen your breath control. The Farinelli Breathing Exercise is an excellent choice for breath control, and the Breathing basics article provides more in-depth information.

Vocal Range

Vocal range is where Les Elgart's voice shone. Utilize the Vocal range test to assess your range, then consult the Search songs by vocal range feature to look up songs that match your range. Les Elgart's style includes a smooth and flowing sound that emphasizes the singer's vocal range. Try exercises such as Singing Comfort Zone and Chest Voice Explained to develop your vocal range.


Phrasing is one of the most crucial aspects of Les Elgart's vocal style. You should try to sing effortlessly and make good use of your breaths. Look up the How to learn a song effectively article for tips on how to achieve perfect phrasing.


Les Elgart had perfect pitch and incredible intonation. Singing along to Pitch accuracy test will help you achieve a better sense for pitch in your vocals. In the article Why do we sing out of pitch?, we provide tips on how to avoid losing your pitch.


Les Elgart was famous for his swinging jazz tunes. You can learn a lot about his unique vocal style by listening to songs like "Bandstand Boogie," "Just One of Those Things," and "Cherokee." Use the Song search feature to find songs that match your vocal range and difficulty.


Les Elgart was a fantastic jazz performer with a unique singing style. The key components of mastering his vocal technique include breath control, vocal range, phrasing, intonation, and studying his songs. Utilize the tips, exercises, and resources provided in this article to enhance your singing skills and develop a unique style of your own. Don't forget to monitor your progress in the Progress statistics feature to measure your improvement.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.